Thursday, August 4, 2016

Sprout Day 130 (Thursday, August 4th, 2016)

It feels good to be back on the trail!  We had breakfast at the Red Hen with the family and Kathleen and Mb dropped us off at the trail. It's hard leaving them but we need to get back to the AT and get closer to Katahdin.  

We hiked 7.5 miles and stopped at a campsite with a picnic table and fire out by a spring. It was a great spot.  We got to camp early enough to start a fire and relax before some people showed up.  I threw the line out a few times today but didn't really see anything. I can't wait to catch a trout.  I'm getting up early tomorrow to make coffee and breakfast.  I think we're doing 10 or 12 miles and we have a big climb first thing in the morning.
Smudgy Cheeks enjoying a rest during lunch

Day: 130
Miles hiked: 7.5
Total Miles hiked on the trail: 1078.4
Bears: 0
Bluegill: 2
Butterflies: 8
Chipmunks: 3
Cows: 24
Crawfish: 1
Deer: 20
Donkeys: 2
Grouse:  1
Horses: 15
Hummingbird: 1
Inchworm: 1
Really Big Dog: 1
Mice: 2
Nest of bugs: 2
Newts: 2
Owl: 1
Rabbit: 1
Skunk: 1
Snail: 1
Snake: 2
Squirrels: 11
Toads: 3
Trout: 2
Turkeys: 4
Turtles: 107
Vultures: 6
Woodpecker: 1

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