Saturday, July 16, 2016

Smudgy Cheeks Day 111 (Saturday, July 16th, 2016)

I hiked 7.1 miles today and reached the peak on the highest point in the northern part of the Appalachian Trail!  It was cloudy/foggy all day so I couldn't see very much.  I stayed with Freddy all day to make sure we got to the hut tonight!

Tracks going up Mt. Washington
Me on the tracks (don't worry, I listened for the train before taking this picture!)
Here is the train you can get to take you to the summit of Mt. Washington.  It is SUPER expensive!
Sunrise today
Mt. Washington Summit at 6,288 feet!
You can see why they call it Lakes of the Clouds...
Day: 111
Miles hiked: 7.1
Total Miles hiked on the trail: 929.5
Bear: 1
Chipmunk: 1
Deer: 1
Lizard: 1
Snakes: 4
Toads: 2
Vulture: 1
Zoo Animals: 2 foxes, 1 porcupine, 1 bobcat, 1 turtle, 2 bears

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