Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Flying Dutchman Day 4 (Wednesday, June 29th, 2016)

Today we passed Gifford Woods State Park in Vermont today.   At the registration office we could buy ice cream and ice cold Coke in bottles!  We even could charge our phones.  Sprout and Whisker's were offered a lift by two AT Slack packers that take one month every year and try to hike as many miles as possible.  They didn't accept but it was really cool to see them because they were at Poppa Lip's trail magic!!!  At the end of our day we climbed a very big hill and camped on the top of the hill.
489 miles to Katahdin.  I hope we can make it before August 5th!!
Bubbles and Sprout by a lake
Side note from Mb, Flying Dutchman's wife:  Even though Fred is super excited to be hiking with my sister, brother, and brother-in-law we knew he would be slower than them at first.  Not only because he hasn't already hiked 800 miles but also because he is generally just a slow moving person (which suits me great because I am too!!)  Bubbles and I were texting each other and I told her to just go ahead of him, he is resilient, has the AWOL book, and Guthooks app on his phone so he will be able to find his way.  She said, hold on, let me take a quick video...  This is what she sent me!!

I'm not going to lie, I laughed so hard!!  This is Fred in a nut shell!!

Day: 4
Miles hiked: 13.3
Total Miles hiked on the trail: 46.2

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