Monday, May 2, 2016

The Sprout Day 36 (Monday, May 2nd, 2016) A blog in pictures

Another foggy day
Newt on the trail
Bubbles and Sprout
Hopefully there are no cars coming, it's kind of hard to see!
Foggy trail again!
Boulder fields on the trail too!
Inside the 501 Shelter
Another pup on the trail.
Outside of 501 Shelter
Day:  36
Miles hiked:  4.1
Total Miles hiked on the trail:  331.8
Bears:   0
Butterfly:  8
Chipmunk:  2
Cows:  24
Crawfish:  1
Deer:  20
Horses:  12
Inchworm:  1
Really Big Dog:  1
Mouse:  2
Nest of bugs:  1
Newt:  1
Rabbit:  1
Skunk:  1
Snail:  1
Snake:  1
Squirrels:  11
Toad:  1
Trout:  2
Turkeys:  4
Turtles:  107
Vulture:  6
Woodpecker:  1

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