Wednesday, April 20, 2016

The Sprout Day 24 (Wednesday, April 20)

Today was a good day.  We did around 13 miles which puts us at 230.6.  The climb out of Rocky Mountain was steep this morning!
I climbed rocks today and Maggie took some pictures. It was a great hike on the trail! The scenery today was great.

We had to pass another busy highway and cars were flying!  It takes some guts to walk over a highway where cars are going over 60 miles an hour!  

We are staying at Birch Run Shelter tonight.  There is a really nice spot for tents under some pine trees, which were down the hill a bit from the shelter. We set up our tent and then everyone else did too.  I also started a fire before Bubbles got to camp.  When the other campers saw the fire everyone joined us.  

And we are off!
I decided today was a good day to climb some rocks
Love the rocks!
Ninja hiker!
Bubbles took pictures of me on the rocks
How did these rocks get stacked like this?
Trout stream
Quarry Gap Shelters
Only 2.36 miles to go!
The trail
Birch Run Shelter
A bit of the trail today
More of the trail today
The pine needles made for a soft hike!
Day:  24
Miles hiked:  13
Total Miles hiked on the trail:  230.6
Bears:   0
Butterfly:  8
Chipmunk:  2
Crawfish:  1
Deer:  20
Really Big Dog:  1
Mouse:  1
Nest of bugs:  1
Skunk:  1
Snail:  1
Snake:  1
Squirrels:  11
Trout:  2
Turkeys:  4
Turtles:  107
Vulture:  6
Woodpecker:  1

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