Sunday, May 8, 2016

Sprout Day 42 (Sunday, May 8th, 2016) (updated)

Today was an exciting day because we hiked Knife Edge!  It was a crazy experience.  The trail on Knife Edge goes over the top of a rocky mountain peak.  You walk along the peak for a fourth to a half of a mile.  One wrong step and it could have been bad! It was scary but a lot of fun!

Before we hit Knife Edge we stopped at a restaurant right off the trail for burgers and beers.  The owner was really funny and one of a kind.  He made us laugh the whole time we were eating, even though he was super busy getting ready for the Mother's Day crowd.  There was a spigot out back where he said we could fill our water and he even lets hikers camp out back if they need a spot to stay.

Today is Mother's Day and I want to give a shout out to the important mothers in my life. I love my mom and am thankful for the mother I have!  Thanks for everything you've done for me, I love you and hope you have a great day!  I want to say happy Mother's Day to Momma Lip too. You're such an inspiration to us and we love you so much!  We can't wait to get home and hang out.  Happy Mother's Day Nanny, we can't wait to get home and come see you!  I love talking to you when I'm out on the trail.  It helps give me the motivation to keep going! We can't wait to get home and have a big party!

Lunch with Bubbles, Smudgy Cheeks, Karma, and Mountain Man
View from Knife Edge
Bubbles on the trail
Pretty steep drop off on both sides
Another great view
Sometimes you needed to hop
It was a beautiful day!
Need to make it up there
Boulder Field
Boulder Field
Bubbles and I in the tent after a long hike!!
Day:  42
Miles hiked:  10
Total Miles hiked on the trail:  388.1
Bears:   0
Butterflies:  8
Chipmunks:  3
Cows:  24
Crawfish:  1
Deer:  20
Horses:  12
Inchworm:  1
Really Big Dog:  1
Mice:  2
Nest of bugs:  1
Newt:  1
Rabbit:  1
Skunk:  1
Snail:  1
Snake:  1
Squirrels:  11
Toads:  2
Trout:  2
Turkeys:  4
Turtles:  107
Vultures:  6
Woodpecker:  1

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