Friday, April 29, 2016

Sprout Day 33 (Friday, April 29)

Day 33

It was wet, cold, and rainy today.  It felt good staying in Duncannon again last night at the Doyle. We met some cool people and it will definitely be something we will never forget. We stayed up late with Tricks last night watching movies and talking. He gave us a ride to 325 after we ate breakfast.  He is such a cool guy and I'm really happy we met him.

Lots of room in Tricks car!!
As soon as we got dropped off it started raining, it was a constant drizzle.  We went ten miles today through rough rocky terrain and the rain made the rocks slippery.

We walked past Peters Mountain Shelter today
Inside Peters Mountain Shelter
We hit our 300 mile mark today! It feels so good to be this far! We stopped at 300 miles to take a celebration video. It's crazy to think we're out here doing it.  We’re actually hiking and getting more miles everyday.  To me 300 miles is huge.  It's the furthest any of us have ever backpacked.  Each day I feel like we learn something new or something gets easier.  We're lucky to have people back home that care about our journey and people who want to help us along the way.  The trail gives back and will take care of you.  It feels like we're meeting the right people at the right time.

300 miles baby!!

Rocks on the trail!
Pretty sure these are ferns popping through??
Love it
Awesome fire pit!
When it's rocky like this the white blazes are on the rocks!
Blue blaze to the spring
We camped here

Day:  33
Miles hiked:  9.6
Total Miles hiked on the trail:  303
Bears:   0
Butterfly:  8
Chipmunk:  2
Cows:  24
Crawfish:  1
Deer:  20
Horses:  12
Inchworm:  1
Really Big Dog:  1
Mouse:  1
Nest of bugs:  1
Rabbit:  1
Skunk:  1
Snail:  1
Snake:  1
Squirrels:  11
Toad:  1
Trout:  2
Turkeys:  4
Turtles:  107
Vulture:  6
Woodpecker:  1

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