Sunday, May 22, 2016

Smudgy Cheeks Day 56 (Sunday, May 22nd, 2016)

I hiked 8.5 miles today.  I passed by the William Brien Memorial Shelter and am staying at the West Mountain Shelter.  When I was hiking I could see New York City from different points on the trail.  Now, at the shelter, I can see both the Hudson River and the New York City skyline.  It's pretty cool.

I also had a deer cross right in front of me on the trail today.  

I stopped at the Palisades Visitor Center.  It is right in the middle of a four lane highway.  While I was there I plugged my phone in to get a charge.

Now I'm at the shelter and I'm getting ready for bed.  I've got a couple of long days ahead of me!

I snapped a picture of the deer before he got all the way into the brush
Trail today
New York City Skyline
That's the Hudson River.  I'll be crossing it tomorrow.
Had my sister send me GPS coordinates to get to the shelter because it's not well marked here!

Day:  56
Miles hiked:  8.5
Total Miles hiked on the trail:  462
Bear: 1
Deer: 1
Snake: 1

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