Sunday, May 29, 2016

Bubbles Day 63 (Sunday, May 29th, 2016)

Today was a wonderful day.  I made up the 6 or 7 miles I missed when I got off the trail to see my cousins.  It was an awesome feeling to be making up those miles.  What made it even better was hiking with my brother-in-law Freddy.  He offered to hike with me so I didn't have to do it solo.  We talked a lot and he carried all the water and snacks. We hiked about the same pace so it was awesome.  We chatted and laughed and it made the hike go by so quick.

Sprout, Mountain Man, and Karma were going to REI with Marybeth. I know they had an awful experience at the REI in Yonkers, New York.  I was shocked.  I had been telling Karma how amazing their employees have been to us and how helpful.  That was not the case for my friends :( The girl who was helping Karma find shoes scared her when she said she needed to see a doctor for her swollen feet.  Obviously, this girl didn't do any serious hiking and the last time I checked, employees of a recreational store shouldn't be giving medical advice to their customers!!  The shoe girl also told Karma that compression socks wouldn't help with swollen ankles.  The lady didn't seem to care much about her job and I felt really bad for Karma, especially considering I had told her that REI was the bees knees of all gear stores.  They got what they needed and I am praying that this helps Karma with her feet problems.

We ended up staying in a hotel instead of getting dropped off at the state park. It is Memorial Day tomorrow and the park was packed!!!

Freddy and I on the trial
Lovely flowers on the trail
Freddy used my trekking poles to go downhill
Freddy on the trial

Selfie Time!
Happy to make up these miles with Freddy

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