Saturday, April 2, 2016

The Sprout Day 6

Waiting for Bubbles
Here she is!

I woke up to the alarm around 5:00 a.m. and looked up from my sleeping bag.  It was raining. I immediately laid right back down and thought to myself, “I’m not walking in the rain this early, lol!”  Maggie woke up about an hour later and it was still raining so we both decided to wait it out.  

One of the Gaps

We got on the trail around 9:00 a.m. when the rain had pretty much stopped.  It was the perfect chance to get moving.  We had our rain gear on so now I know my pack cover doesn't leak!  We did 11 miles today.  We have a ton of miles to go but I think 65 is pretty good for our 6th day.
We are all happy we have each other for support out here!

After trying the cowboy coffee or jet fuel (another name White Walkers gave it) I threw the funnel and filters away.  More space, less weight is the motto out here!

Two Best Friends
Even with the rain most of the morning coals were still hot so we just made coffee over the fire. We had a raging fire last night!  This was the hut we stayed at on our shakedown hike a few months ago and heard a bear.   This time we were here with other people, plus White Walkers dogs would have chased off any bear that tried to come around camp.  A few hikers camping up the hill said they saw some sort of scratching post!  There was definitely a bear in that area but we didn't hear him last night.  I saw 6 deer today right on the trail.

Happy to be camping with Maggie

Brotherly Love!
2 more deer for the count

So far the average hiking day for us has been waking up early, getting into our hiking clothes, grabbing our food bags, and getting on the trail.  We've been walking a few miles and then stopping for breakfast.  While eating we make a game plan for the day and get moving. It’s better to get down the trail, especially if there are other campers in the hut. We're probably going to start to use our tents more but we've already planned the first couple hundred miles and we basically just planned hut to hut.  Then, once we get to camp we start to filter water. We always fill our platypus in our backpacks for the next day first.  We hike with 3 liters of water (I think that's 6 pounds) and we usually filter 9 more liters for cooking and drinking water while we're at camp. Next, we make dinner and we set up our tents, or if we're sleeping in the hut, we just put our sleeping pads and sleeping bags out.  Finally, we organize our bags and get our sleeping clothes ready. 9:00 p.m. is hiker's midnight!  Then we remember to check our bag for food wrappers from the day's hike, hang our food bags and go to bed!
Hanging our Food Bags (with other hikers also) 

Baba Ganoosh enjoying the views

Very Peaceful out here
Day:  6
Miles hiked:  11.6
Miles off trail to shelter:  0
Total Miles hiked on the trail:  66.4
Blisters:  0
Real Bears:   0
Deer:  11
Squirrels:  8
Chipmunk:  1
Snail:  1
I have no idea what this is.  Hopefully one of the Three Amigo's can explain it later!

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