Saturday, April 16, 2016

The Sprout Day 20 (Saturday, April 16th)

We woke up, packed everything, and were ready for the trail.  We were saying our goodbyes and it was really sad.  Maggie was bawling.  We looked at each other and decided to take our first zero!  It turns out, because Rachel, Porterhouse’s wife, was out of town he didn't want us to leave!  It turns out Porterhouse was praying that we WOULD take a zero because he wanted to hang out with us longer (he did not want to ask us to zero though). He was super excited!

Since Porterhouse stayed, we went to store to get stuff for brunch, lunch, and dinner.   On the way to the store (we had to walk .7 miles to get from camp to the AT parking lot) Porterhouse stopped again at the bridge to get cars and trucks to honk. As a matter of fact, when we went over the bridge on the way back from the store he wanted to stop AGAIN!! I said, "No way!!" Our hands were FULL with groceries!!

We had bacon, eggs, fruit, orange juice, shells and cheese, chips, Coney dogs, pork tenderloin, beverages, and a bunch of snacks.  We had so much food.  He also bought a Hobo Pie maker.  Since he was just going to throw it away he left it in the hiker box for other hikers to enjoy over their campfires.   
We stayed up late, hung out, chatted, and it was a good time all around.

Porterhouse and Bubbles (Thanks for doing my laundry Bubbles and for the t-shirts Nanny!)

Day:  20
Miles hiked:  1.4 (to and from Walmart!)
Total Miles hiked on the trail:  184.7
Bears:   0
Butterfly:  7
Chipmunk:  2
Crawfish:  1
Deer:  20
Really Big Dog:  1
Mouse:  1
Nest of bugs:  1
Skunk:  1
Snail:  1
Snake: 1
Squirrels:  11
Turkeys:  4
Turtles:  107
Woodpecker:  1

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