Wednesday, April 6, 2016

The Sprout Day 10 (Wednesday, April 6th)

Goodbye for now SNP!
Today was an awesome day, we reached our 100 mile mark!!!  We ended the day with 104.9 miles! It's such a great feeling to have gone over 100 miles!  We walked out of the Shenandoah National Park today.  I have nothing but positive things to say about SNP!  It is a beautiful place!  

It was a tough ten miles to get to our hut, we're staying at Tom Floyd Wayside shelter tonight. It has been cold the past few days and that always makes it harder to get moving in the morning. It's been down to at least the lower 20s. One night it got down to -5!

I'm really happy we started our hike here because it has been a great experience.  The views and the people I've met in the park have been my favorite things. Tomorrow we stay at a cabin/hostel.  We will get our food drop box and we will be going into town to eat some restaurant food!

We're out of coffee so we might get two this time.  We've been trying to think of food and other supplies we need from the store.  We're going to wake up early tomorrow and get to the hostel as early as we can. It's only three miles away!  I want to get into town and order a pizza or get some burgers! I want some Mountain Dew or a Coke.  Probably both!

Throughout the hike I've been watching and looking for a bear or other big animals.  I know they're out there.  Yesterday I was pretty close to the shelter and saw something big off in the distance... and it was getting closer!  I was watching this animal running through the woods and getting a little nervous, because its path was coming straight towards me!  It turned out to be a big dog!  Ha, a really big dog!!  It changed course before it got to me and kept going through the woods.  I thought I was starting to see things but everyone at the hut saw it too. I don't know whose dog it was, or where it was going, but it looked happy.

Yesterday we were staying with these two guys at Gravel Springs Hut.   One lives in Wisconsin and the other in Indiana.  They were really cool guys and one gave us a Mr. Goodbar! We melted the candy bar on the graham crackers that were left at Gravel Springs.  All we needed was a marshmallow and we would have had our s’mores!

At one point today I saw two huge deer (five today in total).  They were practically on the trail and didn't really mind seeing me.  

When we flip flop our hike, and start to head south towards Georgia, I want to take a day to see the waterfalls. I think one is around 70ft and the others are pretty big falls too. Hopefully it will be right after a big rain so they're really pumping some water! I'll be coming back to SNP again for some side trails too!

It's an early night, only 7:45 and I'm already in my sleeping bag!  I can't wait to get to the cabin tomorrow and get a ride into town to see what front Royal has to offer!

We are getting great views because of the lack of foliage on the trees
We wouldn't be able to see all of the features of this rock in the summer
Bubbles traversing through the trail
This looks like a good place to sunbathe
One of the five deer I saw today
Time to climb some rocks!  Bubbles is in this picture.  Can you spot her?
Compton Gap, last large mountain before we left SNP!
Another Where's Bubbles shot? You can see why it was a tough hike today!
Thankful my hiking partners are enjoying this experience as much as me.
Compton Gap view
We have been lucky because some people get too much fog to see anything!
Day:  10
Miles hiked:  10.5
Miles off trail to shelter:  0
Total Miles hiked on the trail:  104.9
Blisters:  0
Real Bears:   0
Really Big Dog:  1
Deer:  18
Squirrels:  8
Chipmunk:  1
Snail:  1

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