Saturday, April 9, 2016

Bubbles Day 13 (Saturday, April 9th)

Blaze on the trail
Today was a long day because we hiked 12.9 miles.  We met two brothers.  I don't remember their names but their dog's names were Winchester and Duncan.  It's funny.  When hikers have dogs I don't even see the hikers.  I immediately go to the dogs and love on them.

Sometimes when we get to a shelter it's dark or we are just tired and don't remember which way we came off the trail (some shelters are off on a side trail and can vary from .1 to .7 miles off the trail.)  When we get back to the AT we aren't sure which way we need to go.   The side trail to the Manasses shelter had this great sign that pointed which way to go!  This is super helpful because we've had to pull out our compass to make sure we go in the correct direction before (we've used the sun too!)

It's nice when the signs tell us which way to go.
At the beginning of the day it was super cold.  It even snowed on us a few times.  We were lucky though because as the day passed it warmed up.  Even though it's hard to hike when it's hot it's also hard to hike when it's literally freezing!
Brrrr!!  So cold on my fresh-cut-hair head
It went from winter to spring in a matter of five miles!
Jumping rocks
Honey, can you come back down here and get my Gatorade bottle?  I dropped it?
I'm anxious to start the roller coaster tomorrow.  I've read a lot about it on the internet and people are always complaining and saying how difficult it is.  I hope my feet hold up!

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